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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Free React Components to Build Modern Websites


React components are self-contained, reusable pieces of code that output a UI element in React applications. Leveraging pre-built, open source React components can greatly benefit developers by speeding up front-end development and providing higher quality UIs without having to build everything from scratch. The components offer ready-made UI widgets that can be integrated into apps with minimal effort. Their benefits include faster time-to-market, consistent design language, accessibility compliance, responsive design, and significant cost savings from not having to create all the components in-house. In addition, React components promote modular code architecture and consistent user experience. This article will explore some of the most popular free and open source React component libraries to help you find the right sets of components for your next project. Using these pre-made React components enables developers to quickly build beautiful, modern websites with excellent user experiences.

Overview of Popular Free React Component Libraries

The React ecosystem offers a diverse range of free, open source component libraries to choose from. Here are some of the most well-known options:


  • Highly customizable and themeable to match your brand
  • Offers a wide variety of components like buttons, inputs, navigation, grids, etc.
  • Great documentation and large community support
  • Integrates well with all major frameworks like React, Angular, Vue
  • Can be used out of the box with Create React App

Chakra UI

  • Built on Styled System for responsive and mobile-first design
  • Comes with accessible components that comply with WCAG standards
  • Customizable themes and component styles
  • Speeds up development with pre-made components
  • Active community with frequent updates

React Bootstrap

  • Rebuilt Bootstrap components for the React ecosystem
  • Familiar Bootstrap styles and classes
  • Powerful responsive grid system and CSS utilities
  • Extensive documentation and examples for all components
  • Integrates well with React Router


  • React implementation of the popular Bootstrap framework
  • Large collection of responsive and mobile-friendly components
  • Customizable with Bootstrap Sass variables and mixins
  • Actively maintained and frequently updated
  • Quickly build great-looking UIs

Ant Design

  • Developed by Alibaba for enterprise-level web applications
  • Good documentation with live demos and examples
  • Customizable theme with modifyable LESS variables
  • 1000+ high-quality components for complex or large-scale apps
  • Gaining popularity outside China

Semantic UI React

  • Official React integration for Semantic UI component library
  • Clean, bold design style with nice aesthetics
  • Integrated theming system for customization
  • Fully accessible components compliant with ARIA standards
  • Trusted by many corporate and academic users

React Toolbox

  • Material Design components for React web apps
  • Customizable colors, typography, and other styles
  • Range of layout, input, navigation, and display components
  • Built on React Styled Components
  • Great for building admin dashboards and internal tools


  • Mobile-first approach with responsive design
  • Accessible and WCAG compliant components
  • Extensive theming options to match brand styling
  • Essential components like Box, Grid, Button, Menu
  • Created by Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Float UI is another excellent open source option with beautiful Tailwind CSS components like headers, footers, inputs, cards, and more. The components are responsive by design and follow web development best practices.

Brand X leveraged Reactstrap to quickly build the UI for their marketing website redesign. The pre-built Bootstrap-based components accelerated development significantly.

There are abundant high-quality options for open source React component libraries. The key is finding ones that offer the right mix of components for your specific use case.

Key Selection Criteria for React Component Libraries

When evaluating React component libraries, some key factors to consider include:

  • Components Offered - The variety and quality of components is important. Look for ones with components fitting your needs like layouts, inputs, navigation, buttons, etc.
  • Design - The visual design language and look of components should align with your aesthetic. Libraries with custom theming options are ideal.
  • Customization - Options to modify styles, colors, and other aspects is useful for matching your brand. Customizable is better than opinionated.
  • Documentation - Good docs with ample examples and usage guidelines accelerate learning. An active community forum is also valuable.
  • Developer Experience - Components that are easy to learn and integrate improve developer experience.
  • Licensing - Check for open source licensing that allows free usage for commercial projects. Some limits on licensing may apply.
  • Integration - Components should integrate seamlessly in React with easy imports. Styling should not conflict with existing CSS.
  • Responsiveness - Mobile-friendly, responsive components are essential for modern web development.
  • Theming - Customizing colors, fonts, sizing, and styles should be simple without deep CSS expertise.
  • Accessibility - Components should follow standards like ARIA to support disabled users.

Evaluating these factors will ensure you choose a library allowing you to build high-quality UIs faster.

Strategies for Integrating React Components

Here are some tips for seamlessly integrating third-party React component libraries into your projects:

  • Carefully read the library's documentation to understand recommended installation methods, dependencies, and import conventions. Follow the setup guides to get up and running quickly.
  • Use props to customize components with your text, styles, etc. Override defaults rather than modifying library code directly.
  • Wrap generic components in custom container components to abstract styling and implementation details.
  • Override CSS styles via global style sheets or styled-components as needed to match your branding.
  • Use React's composition model to wrap components in additional functionality like data fetching.
  • TypeScript improves type safety with auto-complete when using components. Add types as needed.
  • Start small by picking a few foundational components like Button, Input, Grid to integrate initially, then expand over time.
  • Ensure accessibility by adding ARIA roles, labels, keyboard support, and following WAI standards.
  • Thoroughly test components in your specific application code before releasing into production.

Following best practices when introducing new React component libraries will lead to better long-term maintainability.


In summary, leveraging pre-built, open source React components offers immense benefits for quickly building modern websites and apps with excellent user experiences. Popular component libraries like MUI, Chakra UI, React Bootstrap, and others provide quality components for faster development. This allows engineering teams to focus their efforts on building differentiated product features instead of recreating common UI elements. Carefully evaluate options based on components offered, design, customization, docs, licensing, integration, theming, and accessibility. Integrate components into your projects with strategies like using props for customization, adding accessibility, and testing thoroughly before launch. With abundant free component libraries available, React developers can focus on building the unique aspects of their apps instead of recreating common UI elements from scratch. The right components allow you to develop higher quality, beautiful websites in less time.

For more on building with open source React components, check out Float UI, which offers tailor-made components designed for shipping projects faster.